Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on Compare and Contrast Literary Text and...

Non-literary text forms an independent part of a publication .Non-literary texts are informational writing: factual material, informational explanations, newspaper articles, textbooks, journal and diary entries, and so forth that are published in newspapers, Informative magazines current affairs news and educative articles. Non-literary composition uses facts and figures to proof a point. Examples of non-literary texts are personal diaries, current affairs news, journals, text books and articles. Non-literary composition is written objectively. In contrast, literary texts are fictional compositions based on the artist’s will and imaginations and are therefore subjective. Poetry, novels, short stories and dramas are written in a particular†¦show more content†¦Above all, poetry involves aspects of language that appeal to, and communicate by sound and sight. In literary text the meaning is linked to the purpose, and it means that the character in the poem is fed up with boredom, loneliness and social isolation. In contrast, the meaning which is linked to the purpose of the article in the newspaper has to do with the wave of knife crime among the youth in United Kingdom. Articles and poems always have meanings for their readers. A poem and an article share similarities when it comes to the choice, use of stock of words in a language and order of words in a sentence. Authors and/or narrators make correct choice of words from in a language and arrange them properly in sentences to express clearly the intended meaning. Writers’ aim is to get the readers’ attention, so syntax and lexis are manner of speaking when used properly in literature. However, Poetry is often a fluid and personal passion without the necessary need to adhere to certain grammar rules or stanza styles. The structure, as seen in the article is more pronounced in that; a good title is created, an introduction that outlined the main features of the subject and described how the subject is all about was explained in a clear way. It had a conclusion. However, the poem has no beginning, middle and ending. Poetry differs in visual form from articles. It has been noticed that theShow MoreRelatedLiterary and Non Literary Texts Essay example1368 Words   |  6 PagesIn this paper I am going to compare and contrast a literary text (Education for Leisure by Carol Ann Duffy) and a non literary text (Newspaper article from â€Å"The Independent† by Nigel Morris) focussing on the language features used, the structural and presentational devices, the use of correct punctuations, analyse the structure of the non literary text for bias and the techniques used to convey meaning and ideas by both authors. 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